Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Sorry, sorry. Life has been insane lately and I haven't had a moment to spare (really!). I've been designing up a storm, but have very little to show for myself by way of comics. I swear, I will get to it eventually!!!

In the meantime, as I promised, I'm posting up my entry from a eon ago for the HOW poster contest. "Shockingly," I didn't win. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008



Hi All,

In a fit of creative madness, I decided that the time had come to enter another competition for a graphic designer. How magazine sponsored a poster contest and I decided to throw my hat into the ring just for a chance to work on something. This is one of my initial sketches and was actually going to be a final submission (with admittedly, a little work) until I was reigned in by Daniel and my best friend.

Anyways, that's part of the reason for lack of posting up any comics. Enjoy this mini-post and I'll post up the final when the results come in (sometime in March, I believe). I hope that I win!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Work it Out

There are few things more embarrassing than working out with a personal trainer. I decided that I was long over due for a gym visitation (my last being about 3 months ago) and I was in serious need of some professional help by way of a personal trainer. Naja is awesome. She's pretty, smart, nice and funny. She also nearly destroyed my arms and every sad small muscle in them!!!

And I'm going for another session tomorrow...Who's a masochist?

Saturday, November 8, 2008



Sketchy comic!!! Maybe one day I will actually try and recover my past glory when the line and words were semi-legible!!! Alas, that won't be for awhile!!! This is the actual situation in my house. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

WoW Nostalgia

A friend of mine brought up WoW (World of Warcraft for those of you non-indoctrinated) and I decided to pull this classic from my comic archive. I should probably post more of these, they are very colorful, to say the least!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hot, hot, HOT

There is a serious heat wave running through LA. MAN, it's BOILING. Out of sheer laziness, I drew this comic on actual paper. I couldn't stand the thought of looking at another enormous computer screen after work (24" monitor is awesome and scary all at once).

Monday, September 29, 2008

One Ring

The actual event was actually funnier than this comic. Sorry it's been so long. I've moved, got engaged and been cleaning my house like a mad woman!! I love and hate it all at once. Enjoy!